Allied Publishers
Allied Publishers Subscription Agency

Founded in 1974, Allied Publishers Subscription Agency (APSA) is today the largest subscription agent in India. We service the information needs of Indian Subscribers through worldwide Journals and Academic/ Scientific Literature - whether in print or electronic format.
APSA is the largest Subscription agent in the country and one of the top 25 Subscription Agents in the whole world. It is not a mere coincidence that thousands of Academic Institutions, Research Organisations, Corporates, Hospitals etc. utilise the servcies of APSA. We are preferred because
Great goodwill in the market, which has been gained steadily since 1974.
Local branches throughout the country, catering to the regional language and information needs.
APSA can provide information both in the print and electronic format.
Are authorised channel partners for more than 100 foreign publishers and 1000 plus Indian publishers.
Benefits for an Institution
Savings - There are a variety of savings that institutions can realize when working with a subscription agent. Staff may realize improved workflows and efficiencies through an agent’s services, services that are not typically available when working directly with a publisher.
Streamline Workflows - Having a single point of contact for ordering, invoicing, claiming, and troubleshooting supports streamlined workflows.
Single Currency - Payments to an agent can be made in a single currency while agents can handle a library’s orders billed in numerous currencies.
Single Point of Contact - Agents can also serve as an information intermediary for their library customers, providing a single conduit for communicating with publishers for both sales and service.
GST Issues - Since APSA is an Indian company, it would handle all compliance related to GST in terms of applicability, format, percentage etc.